Friday, 30 December 2011

Peppa Pig Comic / Peppa magazin Angliából

One of the kids' gift from our Wellsh friends was a Peppa comic (they still love Peppa and watched the Peppa's Christmas episode numerous times this season:-) )
Karina is working in it now in the afternoons while Barni is having a nap. Let me advice you to
a, draw about Peppa and win Peppa Pig essentials from Jellyworks if your picture is shown in the magazine. You can check out the prices at their homepage.
b, just send a postcard with your name, address and phone number to: Peppa Pig Giveaway (PP BOF 25), PO Box 121, London, SE20 8ZQ to win a PP Kitchen Playset. Closing date: 5 Jan 2012.
c, make Christmas characters of Santa/snowman/reindeer with empty joghurt containers and send a photo of you with your ready craft to to win a prize.
These are the giveaways in this issue 25. You need a Brittish address though... It is only for UK and Ireland residents only, I am afraid...

Monday, 19 December 2011

Gingerbread Cookies / Mézeskalács

Jó receptet találtok itt, bár én nem ezt használtam. Ja, és mi gluten free sütit sütöttünk...
Első felvonás Zitával, második Enikővel, harmadik Barnival. Nagy élmény volt mindannyiunknak.
(Tervezem én a díszítést is, de nem merek belevágni...)
Bocsánat az összevissza sorrendért, nem tudok bánni ezzel az új fényképfeltöltővel:-(

Monday, 12 December 2011

Reading in English / Olvasás angolul

I am amazed!!! I was listening to a story Karina was reading outloud in English - of a little book she saw for the first time!!! I recorded some of it.
Szóhoz sem jutok! Karina angolul olvas magának egy kis könyvecskéből, amit most lát először! Gyorsan előkaptam a fényképezőgépet, és felvettem valamennyit belőle.
I have an earlier recording of the same series where she is reading one of the early books from Early bird readers. She had seen that book many times before the actual reading and she had read the flashcards several times. With yesterdays recording it was the first time for her to see this book No10.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Likes are welcome! / Örülünk, ha lájkolod

We enrolled a competition on FB called The cutest smile of 2011. If you wish, like it to help us win. Thanks.

Ha lájkolod a képünket a FB-on, több esélyünk lesz nyerni... Köszi!

Monday, 5 December 2011

Waiting for Father Christmas / Télapóvárás

Father Christmas arrives to Hungary on 6th December - in time to get back to the English-speaking world by 24 December:-) You are supposed to clean your boots and leave them by the window/door so that FC can fill them up during the night. No fireplaces, no chimney, no stockings here...