Friday, 30 March 2012

Easter garden / Húsvéti kert

I found this little garden and we started making it. It is a bit late though, and the weather is not the best for this project, but we hope some grass will grow...

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Tot-school / Totyogóiskola

Not that we can do much... He still loves jigsaw and other puzzles. And tractors... And Baby Kristóf :-)

Nem nagy tanulás folyik mostanság... A mindenféle kirakók korát éljük, és persze a traktorok továbbra is mennek... Na meg a "Szép Kristóf" és "Aranyos Kristóf" meg a "Nemszopizik!" - vagyis bármilyen szép és aranyos, mert tényleg annak tartja, de mégiscsak ne legyek már annyit vele...
A traktoros matricás aól való.
Ui. Köszönjük Kádáréknak a fajátékot! Nagyon szereti!!

Cowboy printables / Cowboy-ozunk

I printed some of this pack yesterday and I left the laminated sheets on my bed. Barni was happy to find a horse and a cowboy among he other pictures. We have this poster on the wall with a riding cowboy and the verse from the Bible: All things were made through Him - this gave me the idea taht this pack might work with him. We'll see. Thank you, Jolante.

Mivel van egy cowboyos igeverses poszterünk a falon (az Aurora kiadó posztereiből), amit mindkét fiú szívesen nézeget - igen, Kristóf is! - gondoltam, nyomtatok valamennyit ebből a Preschool Pack-ből, és majd meglátjuk, hogy jön be...

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Another book giveaway

Gabby is a little guardian angel with a big job to do! Watching over Sophie is hard work, but Gabby knows that God wants her to stick to it.

You can win this lovely book here. I am sure Karina would love it, so I am entering the giveaway hoping to win it to her.