Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Number 10 + N

Animal domino with numbers
A-Z letter find activities
You can play with pool table balls if you have any... We don't:-(
Karina started to learn her times tables at school, and I looked for some free online gamesfor her to practise with. Barni wanted to play, too, and I let him give it a go. I told the muliplication fact and he had to find the given answer. Good number recognition excercise for him:-) He loved these:
 Online pinguin game to recognise numbers (with mom!)
Pearl search is another easy one
One with snowballs

I did the Letter N for him with the Peg Mosaic, he made the yellow lines. We counted each colour.

Two by two folder game - Find the animal with No 10 on it! etc

And don't forget about Carisa's free letter N printables!

Easter activities

Ideas I like:

Visit Gift of Curiosity to download a free Easter printable pack for tots and preschoolers

 This cross is for older ones...

 A very easy cross for the window for young ones.

Tésztás desszert-ötlet. Az én átiratom: Egyszerűen beleöntjük olvasztott csokiba az előre kissé megfőzött tésztát, és fészkeket formázunk belőle. Hűtőben hűtjük min. 30 percig, és tálalás előtt tojáscukorral megpakoljuk. Családi barkácsolásnak is kitűnő - a végén mind a 10 ujjunka megnyalhatjuk:-) 
A cute poem in English from Eszter:
Lots and lots and lots of ideas here!

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Christian online TV for kids

Karina loves watching Smile of a child. There are lots of different shows on, old ones and new ones. If you don't know it yet, check it out!
About Smile of a Child TV
'Classic children’s programming filled with timeless truths and positive values. That’s the winning philosophy behind Smile of a Child, TBN’s 24-hour network especially for children ages 2-12. Since its launch in 2005, Smile of a Child has become the premier faith-and-values network parents trust for their children. Our innovative approach to television focuses on programming that not only educates and entertains, but that also morally instructs children. At Smile of a Child TV, we are committed to providing uplifting programs that will bear fruit in the lives of children for years to come. In fact, the Parents Television Council has presented Smile of a Child TV with its coveted Entertainment Seal of Approval for our commitment to programming that reinforces wholesome, positive family values. With constantly expanding programming—including music, action sports, seasonal specials, and kid-friendly movies— Smile of a Child is meeting the demand for 24-hour inspirational and educational programming that children of all ages can enjoy.'

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Pop cakes / Süti nyalóka

While watching this video about making pop cakes, Karina convinced me yesterday that we can make it too. I did have some leftover sponge, so today we gave it a try. I can say it is not bad, but it looks a waste of time for me for such a few cakes to serve... But it was a good way of spending quality time with my daughter, we had fun together. The boys woke up with good timing, we were almost done...

The ones that went wrong...

Well? Not bad...

Magyar receptötleteket itt találsz. Én is innen indultam el... Nézelődtem régóta, de a konkrét munkakezdés előtt itt okosodtam...

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Kristóf is 1 / Kristóf 1 éves

Our third little treasure turned 1 this week. He is such a cute little fellow, full of joy and love and miscief :-) We love him dearly. Happy birthday, dear Kristóf!

Bedtime with a new book

He loves to sit down in this chair. I have to put him in it again and again and again. You can see how happy he is...

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Number 9 + Y

He loved this! We pretended this little spoons were pancake-pans. He had to put the pancake to the matching plate.

Pages from a Hungarian book for counting and colouring:

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Number 8 + V

Playing with scrabble - simply finding letters

Playdough Mat with letter V - v for vegetables

Bug counting from Sparklebox

Throw the dice and put it on a matching number on the Scrabble board!

Find the pair!

Do-a dot from Jolanthe

Cookies for our Valentine - both kids took one cookie to each classmate at school and kindergarden. And of course to their teacher... Recipe is from a Bori book.

By the way, Karina loves this series about Bori. I tried to find you the English versions but failed so far. They are originally in German, I think, she is called Conni in German. Does anyone know about English stories of Bori/Conni? She is such a cute little girl:-)
This is the recipe in Hungarian.
6 months passed, and I managed to find a trailer in English! Bori is called Conni in English too, and there is a series in TV. If you find links for English episodes, will you please let me know? Thanks.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Number 7 + B (not from RRSP!)

This time I am not using Carisa's pack with number 7 in it, as for number 7 she had the letter X. In Hungarian we don't use it at all, and even in English Carisa was struggling with it, too. So I decided to go for letter B instead, as it is far away from now, and my Barni could use the knowledge of his own letter. So don't be surprised to see different things here from RRSP.
Regarding Hungarian number 7: we write it differently. There is a horizantal crossing on it (something I don't know what to call properly...), and also, the top line is not a straight line but a wave. So I find it important to teach the kids that there are lots of different number 7s, still we need to recognise them.
I am sorry, but some of the activities can not be found at the sites. I have an awful lot of things downloaded and I am using them, but many can't be downloaded anymore. In these cases I give you the link for the writer's homepage.

Making a number train with this printable